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Founder and MD of Foak Kitchenware

meet the team

The folks who have designed and
made your unique products

Does one person count as a team?

Grinding kitchen knives Mossley

Chris G

Friendly and enthusiastic are amongst the way to describe Chris. A designer, food enthusiast, hiking lover and a big dreamer. Self employed CAD engineer turned kitchenware business owner, his path has always been leading to starting FOAK. Graduate in Sustainable Product Design from Falmouth University, UK. Design manager for Edsons specialist furniture, catering for the most sort-after properties and clients in the UK. Previously a co-founder of APOSL knives, making the UK’s most unique chef knives with global recognition.


Growing up in the heart of the Peak District National Park, the outdoors has always inspired his thoughts and processes. Spending time outside brings about a sense of calm, the silence and cool breeze of a mountain top hits like nothing else, it allows time for the mind to focus and gives perspective to life. Its this time and times like this in the present day where dreams of making kitchenware are born.


From a young age Chris has been drawn to ‘making’, whether that is a Keralan fish curry or a new dining table for the nearly renovated house. Cooking from his mid teens, he was making ragu’s way before his peers even know what sautéing was. This grew into a passion for cooking that has never ended, experimenting and always looking for new ingredients and recipes.

There is many parts to the team

There might only be one founder, designer and maker currently, but there a many others that make FOAK possible.


For advice on specialist steels and supplier of our SF100 knife steel is John from Liberty Steels Sheffield, he has been hugely helpful in providing the crucial component in our knives.


Someone who has been a staple adviser on graphics and illustration has been Alastair, his company Kunstity has had experience in many different areas of logos and branding.

David from George H Greensmith & Co has a brand bursting with knowledge of heat treating steels from all around the world. He has worked with the most respected knife makers in Sheffield and around the UK

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